Medinah Country Club has graciously donated space for our hour-long meetings.   Those 100 WWC members that are not members of Medinah Country Club are welcomed as a guest of a current Medinah CC member.  

Meetings (2021):

2nd or 3rd Tuesdays of the month -  two midday meetings and two evening meetings      

(April, June, August and October)

Please check the "Meeting Dates" header in the navigation panel for current dates. 

At each meeting, three non-profits are nominated by member of 100+WWC by placing their own name into a hat.  Only local organizations with 501(c)3 status are nominated.  Three are pulled from the hat. These three members are then allowed 5 minutes to present information about the organization she has nominated and explain why she believes it is worthy of our donation.

By secret Ballot, each member votes for the organization which she most believes we should donate to.  Ballots are counted and the most votes designates our chosen charity

 Each member writes a $100 check on the spot to the chosen charity/organization.  All members, including those not in attendance, are expected to make the $100 donation either online or by submitting checks to us via mail or dropped off in the ladies locker room

 After all checks are collected, 100 WWC members are invited to the chosen charity's location to present the donation. This lets our members hear and see, first-hand, what a difference we have made! It’s such an amazing part of the gift-giving!